He offered her living water!

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 11th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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He offered her living water!
Scripture: John 4:6 "Jesus was weary with His journey and sat on the well."
It is hard to imagine Jesus being weary and thirsty, but this natural situation caused Him to be in the right place at the right time so that He could minister to a very special woman. While His disciples went into the city to buy food, Jesus sat on Jacob's well and waited. His waiting had a purpose. He wasn't waiting for a multitude but was waiting for one person. Finally, a woman of Samaria came to draw water from the well. Jesus was a Jew and was to have no dealings with the Samaritans, but when the woman came to the well, He disregarded the traditions of men and yielded to the will of God. He made time for this woman, and even though He knew her failures, He had compassion upon her.
As He began to talk with the Samaritan woman, He exposed her failures. He knew everything about her and approached her sins with tenderness and compassion. She had been married five times and the man that she was presently living with was not her husband. They were just living together. Yet, Jesus looked far beyond her faults and saw her needs. He recognized her thirst for God and knew that there was something deeper within her scarred heart than men could see. He asked the woman to give Him a drink and when she responded, He offered her living water. He told her that the living water that He could provide would be able to quench her thirst and that she would never thirst again. He was not speaking of natural water and natural thirst, but of the spirit.
The water of the Spirit quenches the thirst for the things that are of the flesh. Just as Jesus waited by the well that day, He patiently waits for you so that He can minister to you, one on one. You are important to Him whether you realize it or not and it may be more than you can even believe. There is someone today that this is directly speaking too. Who would think that He had time for one Samaritan woman who was living in sin? He also has time for you! Yet, He loves you just as much He did the Samaritan and He draws you to Him by His Spirit so that He can impart the living water. When God imparts the Living Water, it will drive away those ungodly things that you thirst for and struggle with; impure thoughts and desires, lust, jealousy, and covetousness.
As He ministers to you, you will find yourself overflowing with new life and you will know that His compassion is far greater than your failures.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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