God’s Timing Is Just As Important As His Calling

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 9th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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God’s Timing Is Just As Important As His Calling
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
From the very beginning, God set things in order and caused them to function on a timely basis. It is amazing that we can know in advance the exact time the sun will rise and set each day. We can also count on the various seasons to come to pass each year just as they have for thousands of years. God is very dependable and faithful. And just like His plans for this earth and the heavens that cover it, God has a season and purpose for our lives. No matter how we struggle, our seasons will not come to pass until it is in His time.
Lester Summerall said, "The greatest blessing God has promised to you in your life or ministry will always be just beyond your grasp as long as you strive for it. Striving delays the anointing. If you are building your ministry - God isn't!
If you are ruling your life - God isn't!"
God's anointing rests on His will and His appointed timing. I heard a story once of a minister who felt the call to a foreign field. He sold everything, packed up what he needed, and moved overseas thinking that God was going to take care of him and his family. After struggling through a very hard year with no open doors, he finally asked God what the problem was, as he felt sure that he had heard from God. God answered him with these words, "I did call you to this mission field, but you came a year early." The minister repented of his hasty action, and from that moment on, in God's appointed time, all things began to fall in place. Doors opened and needs were met. God's timing is just as important as His calling. Have you ever had this happen to you? I sure have!
Throughout the scriptures, you find phrases like "when the fullness of time was come" which indicates that God always has a perfect season and a perfect time for every purpose. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "That he hath made everything beautiful in His time." Everything works out right and is beautiful when you put your faith in God's timing. When you "wait on" Him and "wait for" Him, you will be ready when He is ready. Circumstances will line up, and He will order every step to bring about His purpose and His plans for your life.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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