Our Destiny Is A Journey

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 1st, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Our Destiny Is A Journey
written for Anita, Vineyard Community Church
Scripture: Hebrews 11:13 "... having seen them (God's promises) afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth ..."
This chapter of Hebrews lists some of the incredible saints who walked in faith and a brief comment about their great accomplishments. They were persuaded of and embraced God's promises. They even confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims, not allowing their affections to be tied to this Earth. Yet, if you go back and read their stories, you will find that even though they acted in faith, they still had their own personal conflicts and flaws and experienced their own individual valleys and mountains. There was Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Joseph, to list a few. None of these were perfect even though they journeyed intimately with God. There was even a harlot named Rahab listed among these great men of faith.
God's word always forces us to deal with the dimensions of truth and the truth is that God is moved by faith. When we look in the mirror, we see the reflection of ourselves; our lack of education, our lack of ability, and our limited resources. God really doesn't care about our lack. He looks at the same image and sees great potential. Instead of seeing our lack of education, He sees His knowledge, understanding, and wisdom flowing through us. He sees His strength as being greater than our disabilities. He sees no problem with our limited resources because He is Jehovah Jireh and is able to provide. He looks at our image and discerns a spirit that is longing for His will and purposes and a vessel that He can possibly work through. He sees our soul that is waiting for His measure of grace to be poured upon it so that we can do the things that He is calling us to do.
Each journey of faith begins with the first step. Noah began gathering the wood for the ark and securing the first boards together. Abraham packed up his family and left his country. Isaac sowed his precious seed in the ground in the time of famine. Moses lifted his rod and performed signs and wonders in the courts of Pharaoh, and Joseph stayed faithful in unjust circumstances. Like these men, God waits for us to take our first step of faith regardless of how foolish it may seem. What is He saying to you? When He speaks, you must get your eyes off of where you are and get them on where you need to be. You must accept the challenge to go further with God than you have ever gone before even though there may be conflict and valleys along the way. You must be aware that the devil's warfare is based upon your potential and that he fights accordingly. However, there is no problem that God can't solve and no dream that He cannot fulfill. When God gives you a promise and shows you your destiny, you must embrace it with total faith and take your first steps towards that journey's end.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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