They don't need to hear a sermon as much as they need to see one.

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 3rd, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
They don't need to hear a sermon as much as they need to see one.
Scripture: Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the Earth."
In life we have so many chances to be a blessing to so many, but we often miss our opportunities because we see them as insignificant and do not have our antenna’s up.
The little that we could do goes undone because we see the greater need and think that our small part will not make a difference. Yet, we must remember the words that Jesus spoke to us, we are the salt of the Earth and we must consider that a little salt goes a long way. Just a pinch or two of salt will give life to our food and immeasurable pleasure to our palate. In comparison to the amount of pleasure that it affords, salt is very inexpensive. It takes months to use up an entire carton of salt.
There are so many people who go out of their way to do extra things for us, and our response is well we pay them! Like our Hairdressers, Our Mailmen, Our Garbage man,
Our Neighbors who once in awhile pick up our garbage cans, and our Vets. There are so very many! But Our Eyes see only Ourselves! Each Year I make a special effort to send a card or simply say Thank you. What that does to their hearts can be seen through their eyes.
Just as your food needs salt to enhance its flavor so do the people that cross your path. Jesus said that your witness and good deeds is like salt to a world that needs flavor. Yet, you must be attentive and look for ways that you can minister to others and share the salt of your life. Maybe someone needs your smile or word of encouragement just to make it through the day. Perhaps something in your closet will meet the need of someone who is in lack of clothing. You can invite a family to dinner or a coworker to lunch who is just trying to make it to payday. There are always people in the hospital and the elderly to be visited. We try so hard to be spiritual, but one minister said that we should never share the word of God with someone until we have shown them the love of God at least three times in some natural way. They don't need to hear a sermon as much as they need to see one. Jesus, who was the greatest minister that ever lived, continually met the physical needs of the people. He understood their hunger, was touched by their sorrow, and empathized with their pain. He even turned water into wine at a wedding so that the celebration would not be ruined. He now speaks a clear word to you to become the salt that He ordained for you to be in this Earth. Remember that a little salt goes a long way.
The Lord is well able to bless and multiply all that you do in His Name.
So Keep Your Antenna’s up today an God Will bring someone along your path to bless today!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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