Will You Take The Help From Him Today?

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 2nd, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Will You Take The Help From Him Today?
Scripture: Psalms 25:20 (Amplified) " ... Deliver me; let me not be ashamed or disappointed, for my trust and my refuge are in You."
David trusted in the Lord and called out to Him in his distress. He said that the troubles of his heart were multiplied and he was suffering great affliction and pain. Yet, he believed that the Lord would pluck his feet out of the net and rescue him from his many enemies who hated him. He even asked the Lord to be gracious to him when he was lonely and to also forgive him for all of his sins. He knew the Lord was concerned about every detail of his life, whether it was physical, mental, or emotional, and he asked to be rescued and spared from all shame and disappointment.
You ask, "Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to be rescued?" Well, let me count the ways! In my life, there have been extreme financial difficulties, life-threatening sicknesses, physical injuries that left temporary disabilities, stressful difficulties with people on the job, and painful conflicts with close friends and family. This list is not even inclusive, for there have been many other situations which have caused me to call upon God. Each and every time that I turned to Him, I found that He was there all of the time patiently waiting in line with a solution for my problems. Yet sadly, there were times I was so wrapped up in how I thought He was going to work that I failed to recognize His deliverance when it came my direction.
I am reminded of the story of a man that faced a flood. As the storm approached, the authorities warned him to evacuate, but he did not heed the warning. When the waters began to cover his yard and left the streets impassable, he asked God to deliver him. While he was praying, his neighbor showed up in a small rowboat, but he refused to be rescued. Soon the waters were coming into his house. As he prayed again for God to deliver him, the police patrol boat came to rescue him, but again he refused the help. The floodwaters continued to rise and before long he found himself stranded on the roof of his house. Once again as he pleaded for God's help, a helicopter came to his rescue. They lowered the rescue rope, but he still refused to leave. Finally, he drowned and found himself before the throne of God. In a state of confusion, he asked, "Lord, I prayed three times for deliverance. Why didn't You come and rescue me?"
God responded to his question by saying, "I answered your prayers and came to rescue you, I sent you my followers to help you, I sent a rowboat to help you,
I sent a police boat to help you, then I sent a Helicopter to rescue you and each time that you prayed you refused my help!
Yet sadly you refused to Help Yourself!
Sometimes Our Pride Gets In the way and when God sends us a rope, we trust in ourselves rather than in Him.
What A Shame!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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