No Mountain too High To Climb

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 26th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
No Mountain too High To Climb
Scripture: Psalms 71:9 "Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength fails."
Someone here today is saying to themselves I am getting too old? I would gather many of us at one time or another in our lives have said this.
I heard someone say recently that age is irrelevant and that it doesn't matter how old we are but how much time we have left. I recently went to an estate sale where this women who had died at 82 was selling paintings of her work. When I asked how long she had been painting her son said she just started about five years ago. Isn’t t funny how inside we hold so many talents, but wait to use them? God in His perfect plan has imparted so many unique gifts inside each and every one of us, but for some reason we feel not worthy to use them. I tell you today it is time to seek your dream. It is time to pull out those talents and lay aside that fear. Age does not matter! For that reason, we must live each day as if it were the last but look to the future as if we were going to live many more years.
Throughout the scriptures, God used many people who were advanced in years. Moses was eighty years old and his brother, Aaron, was eighty-three when they began their journey across the wilderness to the Promised Land. Abraham was one hundred and Sarah was ninety when Isaac was born, and Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist in her old age. Caleb was eighty-five when he said, "Give this mountain" (Joshua 14:12). He declared that he was as strong this day as he was in the day that Moses sent him out forty years earlier. Caleb was ready to fight for what belonged to him. We can be no less aggressive than these courageous souls. When we are eighty-two, it is no time to sit down and give up. It is time to stir the gifts within us whether it be creating beautiful paintings, writing books, composing songs, or using other talents that God has endowed us with. As long as we have breath, we should praise the Lord with the gifts that He has given to us. We must believe that no mountain is too high for us to climb and no ocean is too big for us to cross. What mountain is standing in your way? I say pray and ask the Lord to move that mountain!! God, Himself, will help us accomplish anything that we set our hearts to do. Like the psalmist said, God will not cast us off in our old age nor forsake us when our strength fails.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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