The Holy Spirit Guides Us Unto All Truth

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 17th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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The Holy Spirit Guides Us Unto All Truth
Scripture: John 16:13 "When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come He will guide you into all truth."
Truth in these last days is becoming a rare commodity, whether it be from those in the advertisement field, politics, news media, or the ministry. Many times we don't know what to believe and sometimes even our personal relationships fail in this area. Yet God has not left us helpless. He has endowed us with His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, which is a discerner of men's hearts. One of His main responsibilities is to lead us down the right path and bear witness with our spirits to confirm the truth and expose the error that we encounter.
In Matthew chapter twenty-four, Jesus warned of several voices that would seek to deceive even the very elect of God. He spoke of the deception of men, those that would come in His name, false prophets, and even those showing great signs and wonders. We must realize that everything supernatural is not always spiritual. The Apostle Paul warned us of the deceptions of good words, fair speeches, and doctrines of men that would attempt to deceive the simple (Ephesians 5:6; Romans:18). He also said that we could even deceive our own selves (Galatians 6:3).
Scriptures declare that Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive, which means that he makes things look nearly correct. This tactic makes his deception more dangerous for us because when something is blatantly wrong we are more apt to recognize it. Consider a clock that is incorrect. If it is off by just a few minutes, we may not recognize the error until precise timing is required of us. However, if the clock is off by several hours, we would immediately recognize that it is wrong because our routine habits would conflict with the time displayed. Even a clock that is not running is still exactly correct twice a day. The spirit of error tells us just enough truth to deceive us, but notice that John said that the Holy Spirit guides us into ALL truth. ALL means that the Holy Spirit is not sometimes right and sometimes wrong. He is the Spirit of Truth and is one hundred percent correct all of the time. He will not force us along the way, but will gently lead and guide us. We must be very sensitive to His voice and yield to His leading so that we can walk in His truth.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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