Don’t Quit

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 12th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
Don’t Quit
(see true inspirational story by god at bottom)
Scripture: II Corinthians 4:8-9 "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed."
Paul faced many discouraging circumstances in his life and ministry, but he maintained an overcoming faith that brought him through to victory. Regardless of what happened, Paul did not allow himself to become distressed, to engage in despair, feel forsaken, nor be destroyed. He absolutely had no 'quitting sense', and time after time he refused to give up.
You would think that Paul, a special and chosen vessel of the Lord who was destined to write nearly three-fourths of the New Testament and go on great missionary journeys, would be exempt from trials and tribulations. If he truly was in the will of God, it seems that things would be working out better for him. But we see him being stoned, imprisoned, suffering shipwreck, battling religious leaders, and encountering all kinds of major conflicts. He was constantly under some sort of pressure, yet was never stressed over it. He had learned early on that all things would eventually work out for his benefit because he loved God and was called to fulfill the purposes of God.
Sometimes we think that we should be exempt from adversity when we make a decision to serve God or give ourselves to the ministry, but like Paul, we discover that just the opposite is true.
There are times I am sure many of you have wanted to raise your hands up and say I QUIT!
When we turn from the world and start walking towards God, we are no longer walking with the enemy but against him. Thus we face him head-on and find ourselves in great conflict. We are troubled on every side and are tempted to give in to the stress and despair of our circumstances. Persecution comes and we feel rejected and forsaken. The enemy of our soul is working towards his goal to destroy us with this mind set, but it's in these times of conflicts and hard places that we are schooled in faith and our character is tested for the Master's use. Like Paul, when we come to the place where we are troubled on every side, we must make a choice. We can either give in to the strategies of the devil or stand against him and refuse to be stressed, despaired, forsaken, or destroyed.
I Must Say During These Times I will NOT QUIT!!!
When we turn from the world and start walking towards God, we are no longer walking with the enemy but against him. Thus we face him head-on and find ourselves in great conflict. We are troubled on every side and are tempted to give in to the stress and despair of our circumstances. Persecution comes and we feel rejected and forsaken. The enemy of our soul is working towards his goal to destroy us with this mind set, but it's in these times of conflicts and hard places that we are schooled in faith and our character is tested for the Master's use. Like Paul, when we come to the place where we are troubled on every side, we must make a choice. We can either give in to the strategies of the devil or stand against him and refuse to be stressed, despaired, forsaken, or destroyed.
I Must Say During These Times I will NOT QUIT!!!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
There Is Much disagreement over this Poem
All Over the internet, many times I have said to myself just leave it alone
Connie ( because it was written my dear friends by the hand of God.)
My Father developed Cancer back in 1979 and during these trying times
I would tell Him Dad Don’t Quit! My Father Died on August 15, 1984
7 days after His 55 Birthday. God wrote Him this poem in December of 1980 for Christmas.
So Here is God’s story once and for all
God’s Words His Hands
End Of Story that’s all!!
Written by God© December 1980
Don’t Quit
By God
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,When the road your trudging seems all uphill,When our funds are low and the debts are high,And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,When sickness is pressing you down a bitRest if you must, but just don’t you quit.
Life is weird with its twists and turns,And you told me, we always find lessons learned,Many a failure turns right aboutWhen they might have won, if they had just stuck it out. So don’t give up though the race seems slow,I Love You Dad you can take one more blow.
Often the struggler you said has given upWhen they might have captured the victors cup;And you learned too late when the night came down,How close Dad you were to the golden crown.
You always said success is failure turned inside outWhen we see silver tint of clouds of doubtAnd you never can tell how close you still are,It may be near when it seems so far;So stick to the fight Dad when your hardest hit,You said It’s when things seem worst
That We Must Not Quit!
Written by God © December 1980
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