Do you need a worry book?

Faith Filled Thoughts
May 6th 2010
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Do you need a worry book?
Psalm 37:7
“Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.”
Perhaps we are all tempted to worry from time to time,
but there are some folks who seem to take it on as their task in life.
They even go so far as to worry that they
are not worrying enough. (Just kidding ― I think).
One of the greatest illustrations I think I ever heard about worry
was given by one of my all- time favorite preachers,
Donald Grey Barnhouse, who was pastor
of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA.
Dr. Barnhouse tells the story of his wife worrying about everything.
She would be after him about the most trivial matter she was worrying about.
He finally gave her a small notebook that he called her “worry book.”
He asked her to write all of her worries in the book
and each Saturday morning they would sit down
and she could go over all of her worries,
and only then would she mention them.
The first Saturday morning he asked her to open her worry book
and tell him what she was worrying about.
Every item she had written in the book had not been worth the worry,
so she had scratched them off.
He asked if there were not some legitimate issues
and she said there were, but she did not have time to worry
about them before they resolved themselves.
After a few weeks she agreed that all of her fruitless worry
was only trying to do what God alone can do.
He holds our future in His hand and knows what is best for us.
What are you worrying about?
Do you need a worry book?
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Pastor Connie
The Choice is Always Ours
By Connie Ciccone
There are many circumstances in life
That are not pleasant, to say the least.
Many things we go through
Seem to drive us to our knees.
In all of life's storms and trials,
Which are sometimes not so few,
We must choose to trust in God.
He will always see us through.
We cannot afford to be angry
Or blame God when things go wrong.
Jesus is always with us and,
Even in sorrow, we find a song.
The choice is ours to make.
Which one will it be?
Will we become bitter or better?
What will others see?
The things which we go through
May, at times, leave hurts or scars.
Jesus is the 'Faithful One'
Who turns life's scars into stars.
If we shine for Jesus,
As we walk through this life,
He will see us through
As He forgives sin and strife.
So in all that may blind our hearts
Life's Frustrations seem so far
Remember that The Lord has said
The Choice Is Always Ours
Connie Ciccone © September 2005
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