He's Rarely Early, He's Never Too Late.

Faith Filled Thoughts
December 29th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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He's Rarely Early, He's Never Too Late.
Scripture: Acts 10:4 "Your prayers and your alms are come up for a memorial before God."
Have you ever tried to talk to someone, but discerned within your spirit that they weren't listening? Worse still, they may even cut you off right in the middle of your words. Even though you really had something important to share, no room was given for you to exchange your thoughts and opinions. It was as though your concerns were of no importance or even nonexistent. Communication of this sort is frustrating, but we can rest assured that this is not the type of communion that we experience with our Father God. Our prayers and the words that we address to the Lord are very meaningful to Him. As we speak, He listens with the intent to hear, He considers our thoughts, and doesn't forget them. He keeps our words before Him as a memorial.
Just as we listen to the simple words of our own Family and freinds, God listens to us. How often have we kept a scrap of paper that had the words "I love you" or something similar scribbled in crayon as a special memorial of a child's love and adoration for us? Those words were a personal treasure to our heart and God feels the same about the words that we offer to Him. He is not so much concerned about the eloquence of our communication as He is the condition of our heart and our love for Him. Our words are precious to Him and He looks at our earnest and honest intent. It is written in Revelation 5:8, that He takes our prayers and saves them as memorials in golden vials. Then the angels mingle our prayers with incense and offer them upon the golden altar that is before God's throne. Regardless of how simple our words might be, God loves them and appreciates them. As our prayers ascend unto God, they become as sweet odors in His nostrils (Revelation 8:3-5).
Sometimes we may think that God has forgotten our request, but we soon discover that although He's rarely early, He's never too late. Someone out there is thinking God Does Not Hear me? That is a lack of Faith. Say Lord I know You hear my prayers and you soon will come in full abundance than more I could even expect. Our need is ever near His heart and He always answers right on time! God keeps our words and our expressions safe, whether they be praises or petitions. As we make our thoughts and needs known unto God, they are placed in a golden bowl near His throne. They remain as memorials before Him until the appropriate time that He desires to respond. Then when the fullness of time comes, our sovereign God reaches into the golden bowl, pulls out our prayer, and to our utter amazement answers when we least expect it.
Never give up on your prayers,
for they are a memorial before God.
When you prayed,
God listened,
God heard,
and your answer is on the way.
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