Do You Know My Father?

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 7th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Do You Know My Father?
Scriptures: Luke 11:1 "Lord, teach us to pray.
"When Jesus had finished praying, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray." The disciples knew that Jesus got results when He talked with the Father, and they wanted to know His secret. It was customary in that day and time for famous rabbis to compose special prayers, but the disciples weren't interested in a prayer to recite. Instead, they wanted Jesus to teach them how to pray or how to communicate with God in a personal way like He did. They had witnessed mighty answers to the prayers that Jesus prayed and had come to the conclusion that their words alone had no purpose unless they reached the ears and heart of God.
As Jesus began this model prayer, which we know as The Lord's Prayer, His first two words were "Our Father." There is a lot of weight that is attached to those first two words. The word "our" meant that Jesus was including us with Him. Although Jesus was the only begotten Son of the Father, He wanted us to understand that we have the same relationship to the Father as He does. God is creator of all mankind, but He is only Father to all who have received Jesus as Savior and Lord because His Son's eternal blood flows through their veins. Because of this sacred relationship, Romans 8:17 says that we are "heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ," meaning that we possess the same rights and privileges that Jesus has and can approach God as our personal Father.
Second, Jesus said that we are to address the Almighty God as "Father." By doing this, Jesus established that God is a real person, and like our earthly father, our Heavenly Father has real feelings and He loves us. He cares for us and desires to provide for all of our needs. Like most parents, He watches over us constantly and never slumbers nor sleeps. He is there all the time. He experiences joy when we are fulfilling His plan and doing those things that please Him. He also grieves over us when we stray down the wrong path, and like the father of the prodigal son, He patiently waits for our return. As our Father, He wants us to love Him and fellowship with Him on a regular basis, not just run to Him every time that we have a problem. He cherishes our honor and adoration. The greatest honor that we can bestow upon God the Father is to believe His words and trust in Him. God has identified Himself by many names throughout the scriptures, but Jesus shared the name that is dearest to God's heart, which is Father. Other religions do not have a personal relationship with their god, nor do they call their god "father." So, recognize your position as God's child when you pray. Your love and tender thoughts will be precious to Him.
As Jesus began this model prayer, which we know as The Lord's Prayer, His first two words were "Our Father." There is a lot of weight that is attached to those first two words. The word "our" meant that Jesus was including us with Him. Although Jesus was the only begotten Son of the Father, He wanted us to understand that we have the same relationship to the Father as He does. God is creator of all mankind, but He is only Father to all who have received Jesus as Savior and Lord because His Son's eternal blood flows through their veins. Because of this sacred relationship, Romans 8:17 says that we are "heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ," meaning that we possess the same rights and privileges that Jesus has and can approach God as our personal Father.
Second, Jesus said that we are to address the Almighty God as "Father." By doing this, Jesus established that God is a real person, and like our earthly father, our Heavenly Father has real feelings and He loves us. He cares for us and desires to provide for all of our needs. Like most parents, He watches over us constantly and never slumbers nor sleeps. He is there all the time. He experiences joy when we are fulfilling His plan and doing those things that please Him. He also grieves over us when we stray down the wrong path, and like the father of the prodigal son, He patiently waits for our return. As our Father, He wants us to love Him and fellowship with Him on a regular basis, not just run to Him every time that we have a problem. He cherishes our honor and adoration. The greatest honor that we can bestow upon God the Father is to believe His words and trust in Him. God has identified Himself by many names throughout the scriptures, but Jesus shared the name that is dearest to God's heart, which is Father. Other religions do not have a personal relationship with their god, nor do they call their god "father." So, recognize your position as God's child when you pray. Your love and tender thoughts will be precious to Him.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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