Resolution or Revelation?

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 2nd, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Resolution or Revelation?
Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of prophecy, and keep those things which are written therin:
for the time is at hand.
God has always been a God of new things. He has never been a hand me down God and doesn't like to settle into the old or become stagnant in His works. Everything God creates is fresh. Each mountain, river, and ocean is distinctly different, as is all of His other works of nature. He is a master artist and every day He creates a new sunrise and a new sunset that is never to be repeated. God's work is glorious and profound, and like He said in Genesis, "It is always good.
"God makes a wonderful promise through Isaiah, the prophet, to do a new thing for His people. He promised to make a way in the wilderness and create streams in the desert places for them. He also promised to give them a path in the mighty waters. He declared that He was their Lord, their Holy One, their Creator, and King. He was all that they needed and all they would ever need. God also promised new things for us. When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we become a new creature with a new covenant and He gives us a new name (Revelations 2:17). He creates within us a new heart and imparts a new Spirit into our lives (Ezekiel 36:26). He instructs us to put on the new man (Ephesians 4:24) and gives us a new commandment and a new song (Psalm 40:3). When He touches our lives with these new things we are totally transformed.
As you face the New Year, believe God to do new things in your life. Remember that He is still your Creator. “I’m convinced more and more that what we need are not our own New Year’s “Resolutions”, but New Year “Revelations” from God. It’s not about us. It’s about Him. Instead of pronouncing our own resolutions, let’s ask Him what He has to reveal to us this year. What do you have for me this year, Lord? In what ways will you restore life in me? What purpose will you draw out of my heart? What fires will you stoke?"
Regardless of whether you are faced with a wilderness place or a dry barren desert, God has the answer. He will make a way, create a stream, or do whatever is necessary to help you through your dilemma and correct your situation. Trust in Him with all of your heart and don't lean upon your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Don't base today's answer on yesterday's solutions, for God is doing a new thing in your life.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Regardless of whether you are faced with a wilderness place or a dry barren desert, God has the answer. He will make a way, create a stream, or do whatever is necessary to help you through your dilemma and correct your situation. Trust in Him with all of your heart and don't lean upon your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Don't base today's answer on yesterday's solutions, for God is doing a new thing in your life.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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Resolution or Revelation
By Connie Ciccone
Written for my friend
'Dr C.K.McClinton'
As the New Year began
the whole world in song,
many making a Resolution
without committing for How Long?
Many promises were sworn
each different in generation
could it not be a Resolution?
but perhaps a Revelation?
Each year we make decisions
to satisfy our inner man,
without giving one precious thought
does this all fit with God’s plans?
Have we forgot our lives were
already drawn in the sand,
Written in The Book Of Life
by our own Father’s Hands.
There’s a new time upon us
to look for discernment,
and realize our promises
really needs God’s confirmment.
This Year I commit
no Resolutions for me,
I’ll look in God’s Word
for Revelations to see.
Like wisdom and knowledge
for caring and giving,
loving and sharing
and forever forgiving.
Christians let’s start
A Revival Foundation
No more Resolutions
Just God’s sound Revelations!
Connie Ciccone ©January 2009
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