God Is Your Refuge And Your Strength

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 5th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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God Is Your Refuge And Your Strength
Scripture: Psalms 91:2 "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him I will trust."
In this verse, the psalmist says four things about the Lord.
1) The Lord is his refuge.
2) The Lord is his fortress.
3) The Lord is his God.
4) The Lord can be trusted.
The psalmist had great confidence in God. He not only believed that God could deliver him, but trusted and believed that God would. He felt that he could turn to God in any situation and find help and relief. Like the cities of refuge that provided escape from the avenger in Moses' day, the psalmist depended upon God to be his escape. Not only was God a place for him to run to in the times of trouble and danger, but once there, God was his mighty fortress, providing him with protection and shelter.
Webster's Dictionary defines "fortress" as a "large and permanent military stronghold." It is a city fortified with weapons. Psalms 46:1-3 says that it doesn't matter if the earth is removed and the mountains are cast into the seas. There is nothing to fear because God is our refuge and is present to help us. God is permanent and will never leave us or forsake us. As our refuge and fortress, God provides amazing grace for us when we face difficult situations. The refuge God gives us is so amazing that it causes us to be a wonder to many (Psalms 71:7). Even our own friends can't comprehend how we are able to endure the duress of our season of pain and hardship. Yet, God's grace disallows the adversity in our life to bring us shame and confusion. Instead, He uses it to infuse us with greater strength and understanding.
Review your life for a moment, and remember some of the places where you found God as your refuge and fortress. Look back at the times that you ran to God and He protected you or showed Himself as your provider and met your needs in a way that only He could. Think about the hard places, the dark valleys, and the dry deserts that you've passed through. And recall the love you experienced from the Gentle Shepherd in the midst of your tears and fears. Then for today's trouble and anxieties, focus upon God. He is there if you will call on Him. God is your refuge and your strength. He is your city of security. See Him as your mighty fortress and let the promise of His deliverance be your peace. He is your God. He can be trusted.
January 5th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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God Is Your Refuge And Your Strength
Scripture: Psalms 91:2 "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him I will trust."
In this verse, the psalmist says four things about the Lord.
1) The Lord is his refuge.
2) The Lord is his fortress.
3) The Lord is his God.
4) The Lord can be trusted.
The psalmist had great confidence in God. He not only believed that God could deliver him, but trusted and believed that God would. He felt that he could turn to God in any situation and find help and relief. Like the cities of refuge that provided escape from the avenger in Moses' day, the psalmist depended upon God to be his escape. Not only was God a place for him to run to in the times of trouble and danger, but once there, God was his mighty fortress, providing him with protection and shelter.
Webster's Dictionary defines "fortress" as a "large and permanent military stronghold." It is a city fortified with weapons. Psalms 46:1-3 says that it doesn't matter if the earth is removed and the mountains are cast into the seas. There is nothing to fear because God is our refuge and is present to help us. God is permanent and will never leave us or forsake us. As our refuge and fortress, God provides amazing grace for us when we face difficult situations. The refuge God gives us is so amazing that it causes us to be a wonder to many (Psalms 71:7). Even our own friends can't comprehend how we are able to endure the duress of our season of pain and hardship. Yet, God's grace disallows the adversity in our life to bring us shame and confusion. Instead, He uses it to infuse us with greater strength and understanding.
Review your life for a moment, and remember some of the places where you found God as your refuge and fortress. Look back at the times that you ran to God and He protected you or showed Himself as your provider and met your needs in a way that only He could. Think about the hard places, the dark valleys, and the dry deserts that you've passed through. And recall the love you experienced from the Gentle Shepherd in the midst of your tears and fears. Then for today's trouble and anxieties, focus upon God. He is there if you will call on Him. God is your refuge and your strength. He is your city of security. See Him as your mighty fortress and let the promise of His deliverance be your peace. He is your God. He can be trusted.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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