Will You Be My Witness?

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 9th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Will You Be My Witness?
Scripture: Acts 1:8 "You shall be witnesses unto Me."
We often make witnessing about Jesus such a big ordeal when in reality it is just talking about Him. It is so easy to tell others about a movie that we've seen and describe the main characters and all of their attributes. We may even quote a few lines that they said and be able to convince our listener that the main character was either good or bad. Witnessing about Jesus and the things of God should come just as easy and natural if we truly know Him. We should be able to talk about Him as a person, and in a simple way tell the facts about His life. God's Word should be so alive to us that we are able to quote our favorite lines that Jesus said or other scriptures pertaining to Him.
Witnesses who take the stand in a court of law are only required to tell the facts they know. They do not have to know and understand everything about the circumstances. They only have to reveal the truth as they know it. In Luke 7:20-22 the disciples of John came to Jesus and asked if He was the Messiah that should come or should they look for another. Jesus replied and said, "Go tell John what things you have seen and heard; how the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the gospel is preached to the poor." When you give witness of the things Jesus has done for you, the facts will speak for themselves and your experience will make your words come alive.
Psalms 105:1-5 gives us some instructions about how to witness. The psalmist said in part to give thanks to the Lord and sing. There is a great witness that goes forth when you simply give praise to God and sing songs that honor Him. You are also to remember and make known His deeds among the people and talk of all His wondrous works, giving glory to His Holy Name. Your witnessing is not just a formula that you have been taught in evangelism class. It should never be burdensome but should just generate spontaneously from your heart. Jesus said, "You shall be My witnesses." Your message is a real person and that person is Jesus.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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With Great Love
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