Don’t Give Up On Your Prayers

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 13th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Don’t Give Up On Your Prayers
Scripture: James 5:18 "And he prayed again."
Elijah prayed earnestly and asked God to send rain. Six times, nothing happened, but on the seventh time, the heavens opened and the rain began to pour. Elijah could have given up on the sixth time that he prayed, but he didn't because he was determined to pray until an answer came. What if Elijah had stopped praying after his first prayer because he felt that true faith doesn't pray a second time? What if he questioned himself after the second prayer by wondering if he was righteous enough to go before God? What would have happened after the third prayer if he thought his request may be considered selfish in the eyes of God? After the fourth prayer, what would have happened if he had stopped praying because he felt ridiculous praying about the elements of nature? Surely, he had doubts after the fifth time that he bowed himself before God with the same petition, for the scriptures record that he was a man of like passions just like you and me. When he prayed the sixth time, he may have wondered if God was even listening at all. Yet Elijah didn't give up, and when he went boldly before God's throne of grace on the seventh time, he received his answer.
Powerful and effective prayer doesn't just happen. Sometimes you must stand at length before God's throne before you see any results. You must ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, and knock and keep on knocking until God answers. Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah several times and Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord all night before he received his blessing. He wrestled so long and so hard with God that his hip was thrown out of place and he walked with a limp for the rest of life. Jesus, Himself, prayed for a blind man twice before the blind man's sight was totally restored, and He also went to God three times for Himself and asked that the cup of suffering be removed from Him.
The tenacity of prayer and faith is illustrated in the definition given by three boys. The first boy said, "It is taking hold of Christ"; the second said, "It is keeping hold of Christ"; and the third said, "It is not letting go of Christ!" We are not to simply skirt around on the outside of God's presence, but instead take time to venture deep into the Spirit. We must reach beyond our simple petition and go boldly before God's throne of grace in our time of need. We should not let go but approach God as many times as we need, without any reservations. We must always remain submitted to the Father's will, but never take no for an answer until God says no. Until the answer comes, we must pray and pray again. I feel there is someone out there that is saying to themselves Why Pray? God does not hear me. But he does my sweet friend,
There are many prayer groups out here that will pray on your request.
You are never alone.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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