It Is Not Never Broke God Can Fix It!

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 12th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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It Is Not Never Broke God Can Fix It!
Scripture: II Chronicles 20:12 (Amplified) "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You."
When an army of great magnitude came against God's people, they began to seek the Lord with diligence. They acknowledged their lack because they knew that by themselves, they were no match against their enemy. They told the Lord that they had no might, no strength, and no power, but declared their trust in Him by saying, "Our eyes are upon You." They recognized where their strength would come from and who would give them victory in the battle. As they prayed, God gave them a simple plan, which was to go into the battle praising Him. As they obeyed His word, He gave them a glorious victory.
My nephew, who was a little over two years old, was fascinated with cars and trucks. Even though he doesn't understand how they run, he knows that the cars and trucks make things work. One evening he began to rearrange the trucks on the racetrack my husband had built for him. He had already tried the on/off switch but could not get the cars to work. He worked diligently but had no success because he didn't know that the main power switch had to be turned on at the outlet. He finally declared, "It boke," which translates into "It is broken." This was the only conclusion that made sense to him because he could not get the trucks and cars to work.
Many times our faith is "broken" in the same fashion. All the trucks and cars are there and we say and do the right things, but nothing works because we do not stop and recognize where our power and strength comes from. We try to work out a sensible solution on our own, when all the time, the power of God's presence and His wisdom is within our reach. James 1:5-6 says, "If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God ... but let him ask in faith, nothing wavering." There is no lack when God's presence and wisdom is with us. In the midst of our trials, we just need to call out to Jesus and say, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." His plan may be as simple as give praise in the midst of the battle, stand still and see My salvation, or it may be a magnificent plan to confront the enemy. Whatever the solution, we can be sure that when we stop trying to figure out all the cars and trucks and begin to focus are eyes upon Him, our efforts will not be wasted. We must believe that He is the source of our strength and as we connect directly with Him, He will infuse us with the power that we need to obtain the victory.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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