God’s Grand Destiny For Our Lives

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 14th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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God’s Grand Destiny For Our Lives
Scripture: Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."
God is not interested in our great intellectual knowledge. Nor is He interested in our personal agendas and great achievements. He desires a personal relationship with us, and His main interest is that we know Him and realize that He is God. When we come to understand that God is God, we realize that He is in control of every situation in our life. He is God over the big things and God over the small things. He is God in the good times and God in the bad times. He is God when things are easy and God when things are hard. He is God on the mountains of joy and He is God in the valleys of the shadow of death.
When we come to recognize that God is sovereign, we begin to grasp the meaning of Romans 8:28. No matter what happens to us, if we love God and are called according to His purpose, all things, good or bad, are going to work together for our good. We then stop focusing on the immediate adverse circumstances and begin to see that there is a much bigger picture for our life. We come to know that God's grand destiny for our life is much more than we can comprehend with our finite mind. We concentrate on the enlarged territories that we believe God has for us and pray to that effect, knowing that His thoughts towards us are for good and not evil and that He will give us a future and a hope.
Your future may seem uncertain at this point, but you have an assurance that God has brought you to His kingdom for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). God has placed you in this life at this particular time to fulfill His particular purpose. God doesn't measure you by someone else's ability and opportunity but by that which He individually affords to you. You must surrender your all to Him by placing your life totally in His hands. If the enemy comes in like a flood, you can be assured that God is still God and that He will raise up a banner against the forces of darkness. God is in charge and He is about to do a great thing in your life. Get away from the turmoil and quiet yourself from all anxiety. Take time to be still and listen to His still quite voice and know that God is God and……..
He always will be God.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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