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Welcome to Faith Filled Thoughts. Every day Connie Ciccone will post a thought given to her from our Lord and Savior. Please feel free to leave comments for any post that might have touched you in some way. That is what is all about. Helping each other find the faith needed to make it day to day. This all is possible through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

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Location: United States

Monday, September 29, 2008


Faith Filled Thoughts
September 29th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Scripture: Micah 7:8 "When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me."

This scripture speaks hope to our heart when we are in distress or in darkness. It deals with the times when we can help ourselves and it deals with situations that we can't do anything about. There are times in our lives when we make mistakes and fall. It may be in our finances, relationships, bad decisions, losing a loved one or pet,
or many other areas. . Yet, like a physical fall, if we turn to God and get His wisdom and follow His directions, we can remedy the situation. It may be a struggle, but we can get up. If our fall has caused great injury in our lives, it may require a season of healing, but if we are determined, we can make it through the difficult situation and rise above it.

There are other times in our lives when we have no control over the circumstances and no resources to help ourselves. We are in a place of spiritual darkness and can't find our way out. It seems as though the enemy took a brush of black paint and covered the canvas of our heart. Inwardly we can't locate ourselves and outwardly we can't find direction. We sit in darkness and are unable to see any light. Depression, oppression, and discouragement make their presence known because we have no answers and feel hopeless to help ourselves. In this place of darkness, we come to understand that we cannot create light. These are the places where we must turn to the Lord, for He is the source of light. We must depend upon Him for deliverance, and allow Him to do the entire work.

It doesn't matter which place you find yourself in today. You may have taken a hard fall or may be sitting in darkness. You may have gone through a season of loss and be dealing with a spirit of hopelessness. Wherever you are, you must be determined to find your way out. The Lord is your answer and He is hope. God is merciful and full of grace. He will give you the strength to rise above the difficulty and He will shine His light in your darkness. You will be amazed at His deliverance, for nothing is too hard for Him. All you have to do is to call upon Him, for He cares for you. There is no burden that He will not bear for you regardless of how it came about in your life. Decide today to take Micah's words for yourself and declare, "When I fall, I shall arise and when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me."
As I am About to share a story with you that is Amazing Of a little boy speaking to our Heavenly Father, and the wisdom, and utter Love that He has for Us all.
Please Be Blessed
(please hit the TALK button)
A remarkable phone call from a 12-yr old boy to Houston radio station KSBJ FM 89.3. So profound, the station has it posted on their website. Click below to listen to it. It's short ..........

His Talk to God

and this related link has a lot more info

Friday, September 26, 2008

Praise Is The Mighty Weapon

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 24th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Praise Is The Mighty Weapon

Scripture: Psalms 150:6 "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."

In this psalm, we are exhorted to praise the Lord for His mighty acts and for His excellent greatness. We are told to praise God with trumpets, harps, organs, and stringed instruments. The psalmist then concludes by saying, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." In other words, regardless of your circumstances, if you still have breath, you are to praise the Lord.

Notice the psalmist doesn't distinguish between those who are full of joy and those who are in mourning. Nor does he say let those in health and wealth praise the Lord. He says let everything that has breath give praise. If you are in trouble, but are still breathing, you are to praise the Lord. If you are bankrupt and don't know how you are going to feed your family or pay the bills, you are to still praise the Lord. If your spouse has left you and your best friend has rejected you, praise should still be in your heart and on your lips for who God is in your life. If you are in the midst of a mighty storm or a raging fire, you are to praise the Lord.

If you have breath within your being, you are to forget your ill fate and adverse circumstances and praise the Lord, for you still have hope because God is able to change your situation and restore all things. Look at some instances in the scriptures where praise prevailed. In Habakkuk 3:17-18, even though the prophet's vines, fields, and cattle were not producing, and things were getting very lean, he still rejoiced in the God of his salvation. His praise did not depend upon what he had but who God was. In II Chronicles 20:21, Jehoshaphat appointed singers to go before the army with praises unto the Lord. As they sang, God caused the opposing army to fight against itself, and Jehoshaphat won the battle. Praise confuses Satan. In Acts 16:25, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God at the midnight hour. They were waiting to be executed, but God opened the doors of the prison by means of a great earthquake and set them free.

Praise brings deliverance.

The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts is perfect towards Him (II Chronicles 16:9). God is continually looking and listening for those who are worshiping Him with their hearts and praising Him with their lips. When you begin to set your love upon God in this manner, Psalm 91:14-15 declares that God will be with you in trouble,

He will answer you, He will honor you, and He will deliver you.

Praise is a mighty weapon so if you still have breath, praise the Lord.

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Faith Filled Thoughts
September 25th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays


Scripture: Luke 18:1 (Amplified) "Always pray ... do not turn coward, faint, lose heart and give up."

This scripture deals with a widow who received justice from a judge. The judge gives his account of the situation and explains why he granted her justice. He did not avenge her because he reverenced and feared God. Neither did he grant her petition because he had respect and consideration for her as a person. The judge avenged her because he began to realize that she was not going to give him any peace until she got some answers. Every time he turned around, she was there, and her voice was in his ears. She was bothersome and an intolerable annoyance to him.

In verse seven, Jesus said, just like this unjust judge, "Shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them?" How many answers do we fail to receive because we quit praying and give up? James 5:16 says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." This speaks of Elijah's earnest prayers concerning rain. His was not a "one time" prayer. I Kings 18:42-43 tells us that Elijah cast himself down upon the earth, put his face between his knees, and prayed seven times until he saw that his answer was on the way. Effective prayer continues until there are results. It is like boiling a pot of water. Water must reach 212 degrees before it begins to boil. We can stand there and wait until it reaches 210 degrees and give up each time just before it starts to boil, or we can see the process through.

In Mark 8:22-25, Jesus put His hands on a blind man the second time before the man's vision was restored completely. And Daniel's prayer was heard from the first day that he prayed, but his answer was delayed twenty-one days (Daniel 10:12). Faith holds on until the answer comes. You must never give in to disappointment and discouragement if you want to experience victory. Luke 11:9 (Amplified) says, "Ask and keep on asking, and it shall be given unto you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door shall be opened to you."

Sometimes we all feel like our prayers will never be answered, but if you take a very good look back they always were in one shape or form.

Never Give Up Pray Without Ceasing

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Do You Have A Personal Relationship with The Father?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 24th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Do You Have A Personal Relationship with The Father?

Scripture: Matthew 16:15 "But whom do you say I am?"

What a powerful challenge this question was to the disciples of Jesus, and it remains a powerful challenge to us today, as we must also identify who Jesus is to us personally. Jesus had first asked the disciples what other men thought about Him, but His main interest was their own personal revelation. This knowledge that Jesus is the Son of the Living God comes only as God the Father gives insight. It is a supernatural revelation by the Holy Spirit. When the disciples identified Jesus as the Christ, they were saying that He was the Messiah that the prophets had spoken about. He was the one that would be anointed to preach to the poor, heal the broken hearted, and do many other mighty miracles (Luke 4:18 & Isaiah 61). They were acknowledging that Jesus was not only the Savior, but that He was their healer and deliver, and in essence that He came to fulfill all scriptures pertaining to the Messiah.

It was upon this personal revelation that Jesus said that He would build His church. Acts 2:21 says, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." There is a saying that sums it up, "Sitting on a pew will not make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage will make you a car." Thank You Joyce Meyer for reminding us this fact in many of Her Spirit Filled Messages. Jesus is still in the process of building His church. Salvation comes only through a personal encounter with Him. This Is a very important step to knowing Jesus. Many trust Him as Lord and Savior, but never release their faith to trust Him for physical healing, emotional restoration, or as the Shepherd that will lead them and meet their material needs.

God wants us to live in the total revelation that His Son, Jesus, is the Messiah. He wants us to receive all that Jesus came to provide. He also wants us to understand that His Son was bruised for our iniquities and that Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law. Everything that we need has been paid for by the precious blood of Jesus. Yet, these blessings can only come to us as we receive a personal revelation of who Jesus is and embrace a personal relationship with Him.
Our active response to these two things will dictate our answer to Jesus' direct and profound question,
"Who do you say that I am?"

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Please help me Celebrate The Following, that I am be worthy to Fulfill
My duties in Spirit and for my Beloved Father.

Constance M. Ciccone

Has Demonstrated Values of the Christian Faith and in recognition is hereby Ordained a minister of The Lord Jesus Christ with all the obligations, rights, and Privileges thereof.
Minister Credentials

This 24th day of September in the year of our Lord 2008 Ordination Number # 0149

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Will you Lift Up Your Eyes Where Your Help Comes From?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 23rd, 2008

By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Will you Lift Up Your Eyes Where Your Help Comes From?

Scripture: Psalms 121:1 "I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence comes my help.

"The psalmist speaks of the blessings and help that come from God when we place our trust in Him. He says that God will keep us stable in all situations, whether by day or night, for the same God that led Israel out of Egypt with the cloud by day and the fire by night is watching over us. This almighty God who is the maker of the heavens and the earth never slumbers or sleeps, and He constantly watches to guard us from the enemy and to preserve our body and soul wherever we go.

In times of trouble, there is a special hill that we can look to for all of the help that we need. It is the hill called Mt. Calvary where Jesus suffered and died for you and me. When we have grief and pain, we can look to that hill because it was there that Jesus carried our sorrows. "He was stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted." Isaiah 52:14 says, "His appearance was so marred" that He could hardly be recognized. Jesus was also a man who was despised and rejected by other men and was also acquainted with much grief

(Isaiah 53:3-4).

We can also look to this hill for our spiritual cleansing and salvation because it was there that "Jesus was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities." As we look to this hill we can find peace and well being, because as Jesus bore the crown of thorns upon His brow, the "chastisement of our peace was laid upon Him. Through the anguish that Jesus suffered, He provided us with a glorious peace that passes all understanding. When we have physical ailments, we can look to Him for our healing, for on the way to Mt. Calvary, He was beaten and scourged. And scripture tells us that because of the thirty-nine stripes that He bore in His own flesh, we are healed. This hill is also a special place of refuge when we are facing great difficulties and unstable situations. On this hill "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by being made a curse for us" (Gal. 3:13). Obey the instructions of the psalmist and lift up your eyes and look. You will not only see the hill called Mt. Calvary, but you will see Jesus, the Son of the Living God. He is your help and your only hope, for with His own life, He has paid the entire debt that you owed.

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Monday, September 22, 2008

Have You Ever Been Betrayed?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 22nd, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Have You Ever Been Betrayed?

Scripture: John 13:21 "... Jesus was trouble in spirit and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me."

Jesus was very aware that the time of His death had come and that one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, was going to betray Him. Very shortly, Judas would sell Jesus for a mere twenty pieces of silver to those who had been seeking to destroy Him. Betrayal is such a hard word, for you can only be betrayed by someone that you care for and have put your trust in. Judas had walked with Jesus through His ministry here on Earth for three years. He had seen Jesus heal the sick, restore sight to the blind, cause the deaf to hear, and had heard Him preach the glorious gospel of salvation. Jesus had also shown Judas His love and trust by personally choosing him to be one of His twelve disciples and allowing him to be the treasurer of the group and carry the money purse. It is amazing that Judas would trade his friendship with Jesus, his ministry position, and all the miraculous things that he had seen and heard to become the betrayer of the Son of God.

Even though Jesus knew that Judas would soon betray Him, Jesus knelt before him as a servant and washed his feet. He then shared the special Passover meal with Judas before He tenderly released him in the spirit to do the evil that he had been harboring in his heart. Jesus took a morsel of bread, dipped it into the wine and gave it to Judas. Offering the morsel or "the sop" as it was called was a custom at Eastern meals. The host offered one of the guests a morsel of bread as a gesture of special friendship. When Jesus offered Judas the bread, He was openly expressing His tremendous love for Judas. Yet, Judas disregarded this gesture of love and immediately left and returned later with the soldiers who were seeking to arrest Jesus. Judas again betrayed Jesus by identifying Him with a kiss.

I shared this story with you because most of us have faced a situation in life where we have been totally betrayed by someone whom we loved and trusted and that we thought loved us in return. Yet, we discover that while we were serving them and loving them, they were seeking a way to betray us in some form or fashion. The betrayal might have been by a close friend, a spouse, brother or sister, or even one of our own children. Regardless of who the betrayer might have been, it was a very painful experience and created painful memories, for the deeper the relationship, the greater the wound, and the harder it is to get past the results of the injury.

We must understand that life is not always pleasant and the players are not always fair, but we will never be called to face anything that is unknown by our Lord and Master. He has experienced everything that we will ever face, and to a greater degree. For this reason He is able to be touched by every feeling that we will ever have. Jesus was troubled in His spirit because He knew of the betrayal at hand. Likewise, He is touched when betrayals occur in your life.

Sometimes when we see thosee who live in darkness, It’s just a place where the Sun has not yet reached them. I believe there is goodness in everyone. We must begin to shine our light upon them and pray for them.
Instead of trying to stand alone in your grief and disappointment, turn it over to Jesus, for He will never betray you.

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Friday, September 19, 2008

Jesus Came To Seek The Lost Is This You?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 19th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Jesus Came To Seek The Lost Is This You?

Scripture: Luke 19:5 Jesus said, "Zacchaeus ... come down for today I must abide at your house."

Zacchaeus was the chief among the publicans, meaning that he was over the other publicans who were tax collectors for the Romans. The publicans had very bad reputations, often abusing the tax system through extortion. Because of his position, Zacchaeus had become very rich, yet there was something lacking in his life. One day, he heard that Jesus was going to be passing by, and because Zacchaeus was little in statue, he climbed into a tree to get a better glimpse of Jesus. Can you imagine how Zacchaeus must have felt when Jesus stopped underneath the tree and spoke directly to him and called him by name?

This story is like many others in the Bible. It's a story of a man seeking God and at the same time a story of God seeking that same man. Zacchaeus was in the tree looking down when Jesus stopped and looked up. Even though Zacchaeus was probably trying to hide, Jesus knew exactly where he was physically and also spiritually. Jesus knew all of his secrets and was aware that he was caught in a web of deceit and greed. In His mercy and grace, Jesus told Zacchaeus that He intended to go to his house and eat that day. Jesus wanted to fellowship with the chief of the publicans. He wanted to sit at the table of a thief and for this, Jesus was criticized. Verse seven says, "When the people saw it, they murmured, saying, He has gone to be a guest with a man that is a sinner."

Jesus was always found seeking out those with needs, whether rich or poor. It was never difficult for Him to minister to the unclean and outcast. He had no problems reaching out and touching the diseased and those who were living in moral degradation. He continually left the religious folks and gave Himself to the prostitutes and the thieves. He forgot about the laws and it's harshness and allowed His heart to be tender towards the rejects of society. Verse ten says, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost." He was looking for those who needed help and He continues that search today. He knows your secrets and where you are lacking. He knows where you are hiding and He also knows your name. He knows your desires and He is waiting for you to approach Him. Like Zacchaeus climbing a tree, when you diligently seek to make contact with Jesus
He will respond and invite Himself to come and abide with you.

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Let's Help Them Find Their Smile
By Connie Ciccone

Today Lord, as we walk along,

Please guide the words I say.

Oh, lead me to that special one,

That I may help today.

I know there must be lonely souls,

That need a special friend.

Someone who asked in fervent prayer,

For someone you may send.

Give me the perfect words to say,

To tell them of your love.

A greater love they have never known,

You Love From Up above.

Concern for them is in my heart,

I lift them up to you.

Oh, let them feel your precious love,

So they may know you too!

Please help me find the words to say,

To make them feel worthwhile,

Then I know that you and I,

Have Helped Them Find Their Smile

Let's Help Them Find Their Smile

Ciccone © November 2003

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Will You Allow God To Lead You To The Rock??

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 18th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Will You Allow God To Lead You To The Rock??

Scripture: Psalm 61:2 "From the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

God made this day and we should rejoice and be glad in it, for He makes every day for our pleasure. Yet even though we know that this is true, we experience stress, disappointments, and things that we cannot fix or many times don't even understand. We approach the day with optimism, but amid the confusion we lose our sense of peace because our schedules become hectic and the issues that surround us become horrific. We must deal with illness, death, and situations in our relationships. There are also life changing decisions to be made and financial pressures to cope with. Many times these things leave our spirits totally overwhelmed.

However, God does not want us to be overwhelmed by any problem, regardless of whether it is large or small. He sent His Son so that we could live in peace and have true joy every day of the year. God's Son, Jesus, is the Rock that is higher than you or me and He is our strength and our security. He is the one we can run to and the one whom we can depend upon when our situations and emotions try to overpower and upset us.

David declared that from the ends of the earth he would cry out to the Lord for help. He was at the end of his ordeal and he felt overwhelmed, but he had hope because he knew that there was one higher than himself. Yet, knowing about the Rock who is higher than us and any problem that we have and finding the Rock in times of pressure are two different things. David had a solution to this situation. He asked God to lead him to the Rock. David knew he would find peace and comfort in God's shelter, for God always met him at the level of his need. God will do the same for you and has given you His word of promise for peace and comfort. When you find your emotions stressed, your body wearied, and you are overwhelmed by any pressure, you can receive help by praying this same simple prayer that David prayed,

"Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Smile and Enjoy Today God Is On the Job

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 17th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Enjoy Everday Life
Not What Is In This World
But what Is In His World For Us

Scripture: Psalms 131:1 "Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me."

David was a great leader and warrior who conquered tens of thousands. He was a man who worshipped and communed with God. He was also the king over a great nation. Yet, even though he had great position and much prestige among the people, he did not allow his heart to become haughty or his eyes to be lifted up in pride. In speaking to the Lord, he expressed his childlike trust. He said, "Neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me."

David did not have the answers to all of life's questions. He was human and he went through all of the ups and downs, just as we do. There must have been many things that he did not understand, for there were times in his life when things were really rough. David's life was in jeopardy when King Saul desperately tried to kill him after he had served Saul faithfully. David faced defeat when his city was burned and his family was taken captive. He faced discouragement when his own men blamed him for the incident and wanted to stone him. He was betrayed by his son, Absalom, who tried to take his kingdom from him and his wife mocked him when he worshipped God. He suffered great grief when he lost his young son to death. Then he also had to bear the burden of shame for the sin he committed with Bathsheba and the guilt that he suffered for having her husband killed in battle.

David certainly had a lot to think about as these things may have tried to plague his mind. Yet he made a decision not to allow things that were too high to occupy his thoughts and overwhelm him. He determined to keep his spirit free by keeping his thoughts on God. He recognized that God knew the beginning and God knew the end and that was enough for David. Like David, there are many things in our lives that are crying out for answers. All the worry about the market the bantering back and forth over the elections and the economy! Regardless of how long we analyze and rethink the situation, we can't find the solutions. Questions still remain, "Why do the young die? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do the wicked prosper?" Questions that are too high for us only bring confusion. To have peace in our lives, we must come to the same conclusion that David did. We must discover that there are some things that God doesn't share and determine that we will not exercise our minds in those areas.
Where The Mind Goes The Man Follows
We must let it all go and allow it to rest in the hands of an all knowing and loving God.
I say that God wants us to turn OFF that which is destroying our minds
And focus on Him.
Trust that all matters and outcomes belong to HIM!!
We all know the end of the story do we not?
Enjoy What He has given us TODAY
Romans 12:2
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

There is NO Fine Print In God’s Truth

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 16th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

There is NO Fine Print In God’s Truth

Scripture: II Corinthians 1:20 "For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen."

I saw a picture of a decorative flower cart in a mail order magazine. The advertisement pictured it with several normal sized flowerpots and said that it was 43" in length. I got real excited about this bargain because I had just recently seen one at a local flower store, which cost about seven times the amount of the one in the magazine. I thought the huge difference in the price was because the flower cart had to be assembled. I figured that even with the shipping cost, I would still save much money and have a beautiful cart for my plants on the patio. I was kind of proud that I had made this incredible find.

To my surprise, however, when Glenn my husband assembled the cart, it turned out to be much smaller than what the picture indicated. I thought there must be a mistake so I looked up the item in the catalogue to make sure that I had not misread the measurements and to verify that I had received the correct item. Sure enough, the magazine read 43" in length, but in very fine print to the side, it said, "w handle" or with handle. The length of the handle was counted and included as part of the length of the cart. All of the flowerpots shown on the cart in the picture must have been miniature ones. The advertisement was misleading to a degree, and I could have sent the cart back, but the cost of the postage was nearly as much as the cart. After the shock and disappointment, I enjoyed a good laugh at myself because it was entirely my fault for not paying attention to the fine print.

This incident reminded me of the goodness of God and the integrity of His word. We don't have to be on guard when God speaks, for He is never misleading and His promises are never empty. All of His words are true. When He told us that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, that is exactly what He meant. There is no fine print to distort this promise, and no Hidden pictures in what He promises.

If you believe on Him and receive Him into your heart as Savior and Lord, you will be saved. His words will never deceive. When He painted us a picture of Heaven by saying that the streets were of pure gold and the gates were made with huge pearls, He was speaking the truth. He was not trying to lure us into Heaven by showing us an enlarged photo of an actual miniature. He declared His love for us and said that His mercy endures forever, and we can believe it, for He does not hide a lie beneath the mask of truth. He said that He was anointed to bring good tidings to the meek, bind up the broken hearted, and preach the gospel to the poor. He also said that He would give us beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. He will never repent or back away from these promises. If He has spoken it, it will come to pass, for He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). All of God's promises are yea and amen and we can always depend upon His Word because there will never be any fine print to nullify His truth.

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

His Creation Was Not A Dream!
By Connie Ciccone

God’s beauty is all around us,
each and every day,

Expressed in things we experience,
as we travel along life’s way,

The miracles of nature,
no matter where we walk,

The ability to see it all
and describe it as we talk.

Who cannot help not be touched,
by a baby's first real smile

The beauty of a vista,
that goes for miles and miles

The blooming of a scented flower
on a warm sunlit day;

The wonder of a stormy sea,
when the air is filled with spray.

The quietness of a forest glen,
with the sunlight through the trees

Towering giants with leafy arms,
waving in the breeze,

The perfection of a summer day
and a crop of ripened wheat,

Each day a wondrous miracle,
when the morning we do greet.

All of these can strengthen us
and give us food for thought,

On the wonders of creation
and the miracles God has Brought.

The next time you experience
a day so sad it seems;
Remember that beauty
is in the eye of the beholder
His Creation Was Not A Dream!

Connie Ciccone ©November 1998

Monday, September 15, 2008

God is Our Giant Fighter Wherever There Is a Cause

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 15th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

God is Our Giant Fighter Wherever There Is a Cause

Scripture: I Samuel 17:29 "Is there not a cause?"

David's father sent him to take food to his brothers at the battle front. When David got there, he saw the armies of Israel cowering in fear as the Philistine giant, Goliath, mocked them. When David began to ask questions concerning this situation, his brother, Eliab, became enraged. Eliab began to mock and accuse David saying, "Why did you come here? Where did you leave your few sheep? I know the pride and evilness of your heart. You came only to see the battle." David answered his brothers with these simple words, "Is there not a cause?"

David was inspired to meet Goliath's challenge, but before He could pursue the giant in battle, he faced other discouraging voices. King Saul told David that he couldn't possibly go against the giant because David was but a youth and Goliath was a man of war. He further complicated the situation by trying to provide David with unnecessary armor. Then Goliath, the giant, scorned David by cursing and threatening to destroy him. David had little support but he proceeded to go into battle despite all of the mockery and words of doubt that were coming against him. He not only went into the battle, but he ran quickly towards the battle to meet the giant. What gave David such courage to run with confidence towards the giant? He had a cause. Goliath was defying the armies of Israel, the purposes of God, and the Name of God. David's great cause was to honor God and to take away the "reproach of Israel".

In our daily lives, we face many Goliaths, and these giants mock and threaten to destroy us. Discouragement and fear attack and try to control us. The armor that the world provides never fits and none of our solutions seem to work. At times, even our own families and leaders will speak discouraging words against us because they do not understand our purpose and our God given cause. The passion in our hearts is beyond their comprehension. Yet, Jesus is always there, standing with us and He knows the heartaches that we face, for His own family rejected him and said that He was mad. However, Jesus understood His mission and knew that God had sent Him into the world with a cause. John 3:8 tells us, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." Jesus destroyed the works of the devil on the cross of Calvary, and with His own blood, He set us free from the reproach of sin. Now we must fight for the cause of our faith and do battle for others. The enemy will mock us but regardless of the issues that we face or the size of our problems, we have nothing to fear because we are the Lord's main interest and
He is our giant fighter.
Many of you are facing battles in life, it is now time to turn them over to the Almighty!
He is our refuge and our strength…..

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

For He is Our Blessed Hope.

By Connie Ciccone

We have a God who is able
and nothing can reach beyond
His scope;
We can trust in Him completely
for He is our Blessed Hope.

He'll give us His wisdom and
ability to help us complete our
When we seek in total
Submission, He will give to us
what we ask.

The wisdom He gives will help
us accomplish His will;
When we come to Him in faith
believing, only in Him, our
mind, our spirit He will fill!

All things are possible when
our trust is in Him;
All that would hinder us will fade
And He certainly will win!

He is our source and to Him
we cling;
When our trials and problems
are too heavy there is
rest under His wings!

For He is Our Blessed Hope.

Ciccone © August 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Moment to Moment Choices

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 12th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Moment to Moment Choices

Scripture: Joshua 24:15 "Choose you this day whom you will serve."
This day with all of its uncertainties belongs to you. It is like a tapestry that is being woven with threads, some provided by you and others by a sovereign God. And although God is in total control, much of the pattern will be determined by your (choices). The choices you make today will affect your future health, future wealth, and future relationship with God and man. Exercise today and you will be strong for tomorrow. I have a very good friend who in her life had to experience just this situation. It broke down to all about (Choices), her story is compelling but through Gods grace she overcame all the obstacles that were before her and now is on a mission for God to Help Others.

Build strong relationships with friends and family today and they will sustain you through the difficult tomorrows of your life. Choose to serve God today and He will be there for you tomorrow and throughout eternity.You have a choice today to choose whom you will serve.
You can choose to serve the God of love, joy, and peace, or you can give yourself to the enemy by allowing the irritations and vexations of others to intrude into your life and steal the fruits of God's Spirit from the garden of your heart. You must be sober and vigilantly watching for the enemy of your soul for he will entice you to choose to serve hate, bitterness, and sadness. Through your choices, the god of this world will cause you to be impatient, rude, and unfaithful, and at the end of your choices you will find yourself in confusion and out of control.Your destiny starts with one small choice and builds with each choice that follows. The devil gives you reasonable excuses for your choices and behavior. II Corinthians 11:14 says, "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." He makes everything look right, but eventually there are consequences for every choice, whether good or bad. You have a choice to live behind the sham of pretense or allow God to show you a reflection of your true self and reveal to you whom you really love and are serving. With each choice you make, you choose to serve the true and living God or the god of this world.

This is the day that the Lord has made.
It is a day of salvation and deliverance, so rejoice and be glad in it.
Be wise in your choices because you are the maker of your fate.
Please Visit her site you will may find someone you need to share it with
By Connie Ciccone
This is a story about Choices
The moment to moment ones made;
Choices made without thought
And the Ultimate Price that is Paid.

The last glass of wine that I drank
before I had entered my car;
Did not allow me to stop or to think
of the Lives it would damage or scar.

As I woke from a daze in the hospital
not knowing what I had done;
The looks on the faces of my loved ones
were of shock, sorrow, and stun.

I cried from the pit of my soul
when at last the worst was revealed;
Two precious souls that were lost
and my moment of Choices was then sealed.

I reached for the hand of my Father
I cried Please take me not them;
His Choice in that moment of Love
transformed me
and my witness for Him then began.

There are many Choices of Tragedy
the moment to moment ones made;
will you sacrifice your life for another
Before you enter your car in that way?

I Pray my story of Choices
The moment to moment ones made;
will reach inside the soul of your heart
and each Choice you make will be weighed.

For this Is a Story Of Choices
The moment to moment ones made;
Choices made without thought
And the Ultimate Price that Is Paid.

Connie Ciccone © June 2007
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"We Will Never Forget."

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 11th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

"We Will Never Forget."

Scripture: Psalms 91:4-5 "His truth shall be your shield ... You shall not be afraid for the terror ..."

This is a mighty promise for us today as we think about our future and remember the horrific events of September 11th 2001 when our nation was attacked by terrorist. It was a day of devastation that changed our lives forever, and our promise to those who lost their own lives or their loved ones is still the same today as it was that day, "We will never forget." The memories of the things that we saw and the sounds that we heard will be forever engrained in our hearts.

September 11, 2001 was a day when evil men sought to bring our nation to its knees in humility before them. Instead, their actions united us as a nation and brought us to our knees in humility before the Almighty God. Students who weren't allowed to pray in schools were suddenly led in prayer by their teachers and principals. Those in our government boldly confessed their convictions without any reservations. People of various faiths forgot their differences and all of the churches came together in unity to seek the face of the Lord. Revival sprang into the hearts of our people and overshadowed the evil that lurked in the hearts of our enemies. Good overcame evil and terror was turned into triumph.

As we face this day of reflection, let us be thankful for our precious liberty that is still intact. Our flag is still there ... we are still One Nation Under God ... and our God in whom we trust, is still Faithful." In these challenging days, let our faith arise and declare the words of the psalmist,

"God's truth shall be our shield and we shall not be afraid of the terror"

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

He Will Come Through For You!

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 10th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

He Will Come Through For You!

Scripture: I Kings 17:13 "Make me a cake first ... and bring it to me."

The prophet Elijah made a hard request to a widow in the time of famine. When he first saw her, she was out gathering up a few sticks so that she could make a fire in order to cook the last meal for her and her son. Elijah asked her to give him a little water to drink. This was the same prophet who had brought the famine into existence by prophesying that no rain would come for years. He declared that rain would only come according to his word, so in essence, he could end the famine at any time by his words. Instead of ending the famine, he made an extreme demand upon the widow, and while she was going to get his water, he asked her to also bring him a cake of bread. The widow only had a handful of meal and a little oil left in her provisions, but she obeyed his word and believed the promise that he made to her. He told her that her barrel of meal and cruse of oil would not fail until the day that the Lord sent rain upon the earth.

God often makes extreme demands upon us, but He never asks us to give that which we do not have and every request that He makes brings a blessing back to us. He exchanges the sacrifices that we make for the provisions that we need. Like the prophet, He says, "Make me a cake first and bring it to me, then I will sustain you throughout your particular famine." God tells us to forgive everyone for everything that they have done against us. This is for the benefit of our own soul as well as theirs, for it is only in forgiving that we can receive forgiveness ourselves. When we feel that no one cares for us and that there is a famine of love within our lives, He tells us to start showing our love and to include the unlovely, for as we love, love will be bestowed upon us. He tells us to give Him our past and all of its pain so that He can give us a future and a hope. Like the widow, He asks us to give when it seems that we have so little and His demands may seem extreme and selfish. Yet, in time, we come to understand that God's ways are overwhelmingly simple and that it is only as we give that we will receive.

You may be in extreme circumstances today in some area of your life and God may be telling you to give your all to Him. He may be saying forgive when it is not easy, love the unlovely, give me the pieces of your broken heart, or give what little you have materially to someone who needs it more than you do. God's purpose in asking you to give is not to take from you but to get you to a place where He can bless you more abundantly than you could ever imagine. He wants to exchange the small amount of meal and oil that you have in your hands for the bountiful blessing that He holds in His hands.

So trust Him and give Him a chance to prove Himself. He will come through for you!

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Are You Humble Enough To Help Your Friends?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 9th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Are You Humble Enough To Help Your Friends?

Scripture: Isaiah 35:3 "Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble knees."

In this passage, the prophet instructed us to bring cheer to the discouraged and to encourage the fearful of heart to be strong and not to fear, for God would save them. He said to strengthen the weak and feeble ones and tell them that God is coming with vengeance to destroy their enemy. These words of encouragement and our acts of kindness are meant to bring hope and strength to the weakest warrior and give courage to the most fearful heart.

When the Amalekites came to fight against the Israelites, Moses went to the top of the hill with the staff in his hands that he had previously used to do mighty miracles. God had told him to use the staff to bring several plagues on the Egyptians, to part the Red Sea, to cause the waters of the sea to swallow up the armies of the Pharaoh, and to strike the rock, which brought forth water for the thirsty people. The staff was still working, for the Israelites won the battle as long as Moses was able to hold the rod in the air, but when he had to lower his hands to rest, the Amalekites prevailed. When Moses finally became too tired to stand and too weary to hold up the rod any longer, Aaron and Hur came to the rescue. They placed a stone underneath Moses so that he could sit down and then stood on each side of him and lifted his arms as he continued to hold the rod. Because of this joint venture, the Israelites were able to win the battle.

Aaron and Hur may have thought that Moses could do it all by himself because they had witnessed so many miracles by his hands and Moses may have felt that he had everything under control. Sometimes, we forget to pray and uphold those whom we think are more spiritual than ourselves because we think that they have it all together. Other times, we think that we are strong enough to stand alone, but the truth is that we all need each other. Even Jesus had His close friends and associates. He had the seventy that He sent out to witness for Him and His twelve disciples that stayed near Him as He ministered to the multitudes. Among those twelve, He had Peter, James, and John, the three who were closer to Him and who shared special experiences with Him. Then Jesus had John, the one whom He loved the most. These men ministered to Jesus in special ways even while He was teaching them and making them strong in the faith.

We should never be beyond helping or being helped, for God never designed man to be alone. He gave us each other so that we could encourage and give strength to one another, for our life's battles require allies. Let us be humble enough to look to others when we need help and to look for those that we can help.

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Monday, September 8, 2008

God’s Hand Is Upon You

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 8th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

God’s Hand Is Upon You

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 9:1 "... the righteous, and the wise, and their works are in the hand of God."

An illustrated cartoon depicted a large hand that was labeled 'God's Hand.' The palm of the hand was facing upward, and a very small man was standing in the center of the palm of God's hand. The man was fearfully and anxiously looking around with a bubbled caption from his lips that read, "Where's God when you really need Him?"

How true this picture is in our own lives. In the midst of our frustration, we often lose sight that God is right there with us. We can't see beyond ourselves because our heart aches and our weaknesses overwhelm us. In our confusion, we stand in the very presence of the Almighty and cry, "Where's God?" We look in every direction, but fail to see Him because our circumstances and problems block our view. Disappointment clouds our vision and darkness has dominion over our souls.

Even though it seems that we have no hope, God has never lost control. He holds us in the palm of His hand, protecting us from all danger and carrying us through every situation. As God watches us squirm in His hand, He must wonder at our anxiety. He has made it very plain in His word that He has every intention of meeting all of our needs. God has reassured us many times that He will not give us a burden that is too heavy to carry and that His grace will never be insufficient. His mercy will endure in every situation and His joy will be our strength. He cares for us as a father cares for his own children. All we have to do is release everything to Him. God's hand is bigger than our life and all of its problems. Regardless of the storms and adversities that we may be facing, we have nothing to fear because He has given us a promise of security.

God is holding us in the palm of His hand and Jesus declared that no one could take us out of that special place (John 10:29)

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Friday, September 5, 2008

Do You Believe The WORD Will Stand Forever??

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 5th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family
Also Please Visit Our Faith Filled Blog and make any post comments which are welcomed on the message you receive daily

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Do You Believe The WORD Will Stand Forever??

Scripture: Psalms 12:6 "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."

God inspired holy men of old to write the scriptures and then breathed upon those words, causing them to become spirit and life for all of those who would receive them. His words are as fresh water to the thirsty and bread to the hungry. Every word of God is full of power and accomplishes what He intends because He diligently watches over His words to perform them. God never speaks careless words, for His words are eternal. His words have been tried in the fire and withstood all the tests. God asks us only to believe Him and trust His integrity.

It's easy to believe God in the good times when He is leading us through green pastures, beside the still waters, anointing us with oil, and restoring our soul. However, when being led through the hard places, like the valley of the shadow of death, it becomes very difficult to trust God's word. When circumstances are unbearable, it's hard to believe at that moment that "all things are working together for good in your life simply because you love God and are called according to His purpose." When your cupboards are bare and there isn't enough money to pay the rent or the utilities, you may begin to wonder about the words, "I shall not want." The devil tempts with these words, "Hath God said? Did God really mean that He would supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus? Will God really do exceedingly beyond what I think or ask?" In times of testing and temptation, our thoughts may challenge God's words by saying, "Is God going to come through with His plan of escape?"

These questions plague all of us at times regardless of our station in life. The poor man may not be able to buy all the things he needs, but likewise the rich man cannot buy health and life. And too, the luxury of peace and happiness are not for hire. These things come only from God. In every situation, whether good or bad, God's words must prevail in our hearts for us to experience the abundant life. His words remain pure. In the lives of countless men and women throughout the scriptures, His words have been tried like silver is tried in a furnace. They have been tried in the wilderness, dungeons, lion's den, fiery furnaces, and against giants, and have always prevailed. We must learn to treasure their value for they are as pure as silver that has been tried in the furnace seven times.
"The grass withers, the flower fades: but the word of our God shall stand forever" (Isaiah 40:8).

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Faith Filled Thoughts
September 4th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays


Scripture: Romans 12:3 "For I say ... to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think."

Before the Apostle Paul made this statement, he addressed the church at Rome as being "the called of Jesus Christ, beloved of God, and those called to be saints." He also declared that "their faith was spoken of throughout the whole world" (Romans 1:6-8). These folks were believers who loved God just like you and me and were doing their best to serve the Lord with all of their hearts. Yet, the Apostle Paul felt it necessary to warn them not to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think. Paul knew the enemy well and knew that this would be an easy trap for them to fall into.

This warning is for us today regardless of our calling or the depth of our faith. It is like a spiritual pendulum within our souls that can swing to the far left or all the way to the right. We can either be confident because we know that God is with us and working through us or we can become arrogant in our own self-sufficiency. Often it is a difficult matter for others and for ourselves to discern which direction the pendulum in our life is actually swinging. Sometimes our confidence in God is misread by others because our boldness in the Lord and our faith in His word come across as being arrogant to those who have no spiritual understanding. Then, there are other times when we, ourselves, are self-deceived. We think that we are being confident in the things of the Lord when we are actually being arrogant and presumptions. It comes down to being an issue of our heart. We must ask God to help us make a distinction concerning whether arrogance or confidence is ruling in our heart.

An arrogant spirit has an exaggerated opinion of itself and is overly convinced of its own superiority. It is proud, lofty, and presumptuous. Arrogance stands alone and says, "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing" (Revelations 3:17). This scripture continued to tell us that that when we say we have need of nothing, we don't realize that we are actually "wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked." This is a pitiful state to be in. The bottom line is that the spirit of arrogance or self-sufficiency doesn't know how little it really has and how much it really needs.

Confidence, on the other hand, doesn't try to stand alone. It declares, "Without God, I can do nothing" (John 15:5). It understands that it is a branch that can only function because it is attached to the vine of life, who is Jesus Christ. Confidence has faith and relies upon that which has been placed within us by God. It is knowing that the Spirit of the Lord within us is greater than the spirit that is in the world. Jesus was the Son of God and had confidence in who He was, yet He never acted in presumption or relied upon His own strength. He only did what the Father showed Him to do and what the Holy Spirit empowered Him to do. Our confidence should reside in our belief that God is with us and our actions should mirror those of Jesus. We should not attempt to do anything unless the Father shows us and the Holy Spirit empowers us. Instead of speaking arrogantly and saying "I have need of nothing", our confidence should declare the words of Philippians 4:13 (Amplified).

" I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me
I am ready for anything and equal to anything
through Him Who infuses inner strength into me,
That is, I am self sufficient in Christ's sufficiency."


May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Faith Filled Thoughts
September 3rd, 2008
By Connie Ciccone

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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays


Scripture: Psalms 25:14 "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant."

Secrets are special knowledge that are held within one’s own heart or shared in confidence with just a few close friends and trusted confidants. We feel privileged when someone calls us aside and chooses us to be one whom they trust enough to share their private matters and innermost feelings. When a secret is shared, it creates a bond between those who are privy to the information and defines a certain responsibility. It also tests the trustworthiness of the one receiving the secret information, for secrets are never general knowledge but specific and guarded information. Shared secrets even create a certain amount of power and the prestige of inclusion.

We all love to be included in knowing the things that are secret and we pay very close attention when one is being shared with us or one is whispered near us. Someone told me a special way that they witness to others about Jesus. They get into a crowded elevator with another believer and then begin to whisper to each other about the goodness of God and the love of Jesus. When they begin to whisper, the people on the elevator begin to listen, thinking that they are going to hear some "juicy" private information. Instead, they are exposed to mysteries of God and His wonderful plan of salvation. As this captive audience departs the elevator, they are given a gospel tract.

God has many secrets that He wants to share with us. He is a covenant making and a covenant keeping God, but the psalmist said that God would only reveal the secret of His covenant with those who reverently fear Him. God's covenant is precious to Him and He will not cast His pearls before the swine (Matthew 7:6).

He desires to take us into His confidence, but covenants require relationship and we can never understand the things of God without personally knowing God. He is ever present in our crowded world and continually whispers His words to us. When the prophet sought to hear the Lord's instruction, it did not come in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire, but came in a still quite voice (I Kings 19:11-12). Even Jesus did not share God's covenant with everyone, but taught in parables so that the secret things of God would stay hidden from those who were unworthy to receive the revelation. God stands like the witnesses in the crowded elevator and continues to speak the mysteries of His gospel through His word. He whispers out His revelations to those who seek after Him and who truly want to understand His secrets. When He sees that our heart reverently fears Him and that our spiritual ears are attentive to His voice, He shares His secrets with us.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Have You Ever Tried To Talk To Someone Who Will Not Look At You?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 2nd, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
Please share our website with your friends and family

Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays

Scripture: Psalm 102:17 "God will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer."

Psalms 102 is titled "A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed and faints, and pours out his complaint before the Lord." The Message Bible states it another way. It says, "A prayer of one whose life is falling to pieces, and who lets God know just how bad it is." These are extremely long titles, but I suppose that the writer was in such distress that he wanted to make sure that God understood where he was coming from.

The psalmist directed his prayer to God and pleaded for God to listen to him. He said, "Hear my prayer ... Let my cry come before You." He earnestly asked God not to hide His face from him. Have you ever tried to talk to someone who would not look at you? It is apparent that they are not listening when they hide their face from you. The psalmist was experiencing this same feeling in his spirit. He wanted God to face him. He said, "I'm in trouble ... answer me quickly." Then he began to describe his sickness, pain, and frailty. He continued the prayer by discussing his loneliness, rejection, and sorrow. And in verse six, he compared himself to a pelican of the wilderness, an owl of the desert, or a lone sparrow sitting on the housetop. In all of these places he saw himself alone, desolate, and destitute.

In verse nine the psalmist said, "For I have eaten ashes like bread and mingled my drink with tears." He was in a pretty desperate place, but talking with God did something for him. We begin to see him change as he turned his attention towards God. He recognized that God was looking down from His sanctuary in Heaven and beholding the earth (Vs. 19). God knew exactly what was happening to him. The psalmist was able to declare that he had found confidence in the sovereignty of an eternal God who never changes. He declared, "But You, O Lord, shall endure forever" ... "You are the same and Your years have no end" (Vs. 12 & 28).

Like the psalmist, you may feel like your life is falling to pieces. You may see yourself as destitute and be facing what seems like a dim future. You must realize that regardless of how desperate your situation may seem, you have a sovereign God who is not hiding His face from you, nor does He despise your prayers. Be honest with God and tell Him just how bad it is. When you do, God will regard your prayers and give you answers of peace.
Through Him we all learn then to FAITH IT OUT!!!

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love