Faith Filled Thoughts
November 25th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
Will return on Monday 30th from Holiday
For The Giver God Will Bless
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Scripture: Psalm 132:15 "I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread”
As we journey through life, we learn more about the Lord and also come to understand the more precious things that life has to offer. We learn that each and every year contains its own special storehouse of blessings; new births in the family, new friends added to our circle, new songs to sing, fresh experiences, and the addition of special memories. As I review what God has done in my life, I am overwhelmed at His bountiful goodness. When I add together all of the blessings that I have received in the years past, I realize that I am truly very blessed and that I have more to be thankful for this year than any year in the past.
There are many blessings that we take for granted. I remember many times asking God to send me someone I could Bless In His Name and the Lord Has never failed me yet! Today he has done that very thing. Recently a few days ago I received a prayer request from a reader whom is a grandmother taking care of her daughter two small grandbabies 3,4 and a disabled son-in-law. Her request was so simply. All she asked is that I send out a prayer request for her to receive food for her Thanksgiving day. She was suffering from her own illness of pneumonia. My heart cried out Lord she lives in Georgia how can I get this done? I called for two days and with no avail, everyone had their quota’s met. I said Lord show me. I decided to look up where she lived very remote and the nearest Kroger Store was 22 miles away. Before I called I said Lord find me a kind heart in this store.
Precious Heavenly Father found Chad in Rome Georgia Kroger’s. He was so eager to assist me. We were able to accomplish again His Will.
When I called her to tell her food was on the way from Jesus she cried and praised the Father.
As we approach this season, let us vow that Thanksgiving will no longer be just a one-day ritual for us, but that it will be a continual reflection of God's goodness in our lives. Let us determine that our voices will resound throughout the year declaring our gratitude for the gracious blessings that we have been granted. Let us learn to celebrate life itself each and every day and allow our hearts to continually overflow with joy and thanksgiving to the Lord. With hearts filled with anticipation, let us believe that this will be our best Thanksgiving ever!
For The Giver God Will Bless
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
Happy Thanksgiving from the bottom of my heart!
With Great Love